A few days in Prague

It's day two in Prague. It's high summer, high season, hot and busy but I've got some family connections and do I feel lucky. There's always a few alley ways to explore off the main tourist track and thanks to jet lag, that just won't go away, I've been getting up before 5 AM, early enough to have the city mostly to myself. 

Family friends are providing me with a wonderful place to stay, right next door to their cafe. The Nalepa's recently opened a beautiful cafe called Novy Svet, which translates to New World and these kids are more picky about coffee than even your average San Franciscan! They critiqued the coffee I brought them, but in the kindest, most passionate way possible. Think I'll be bringing home some of their favorite roast by DoubleShot.


And now... Schwandorf


Residency count down and new podcast!