Up and down the creative process Yo-Yo
Wow. Hit another wall yesterday. Road the bike around for 3 hours. I was thinking how I was not happy about my project. It was too heavy. I wanted it to be more fun. And then I started playing around with some ambient sound and melodies and adding a little A.I. and now I'm back on the good foot!
Reports state it will be hot today. Need to get out, back to the forest. Shoot some video. Too late for sound. Sound tomorrow (unless it's raining).
I'm just collecting video. I've decided to shoot, shoot, shoot and then see what I can use.
Excited that my friend, Cristina Victor will translate and give her voice to another part of LFF. Not certain yet which, maybe the last? I'm thinking now that I will complete the middle, and then Cristina can come in and then I'll finish? We'll see. Just happy that it's moving. Here's a link to what I've made so far. Levels are still troublesome. It's just a scratch draft!