
Finishing is not my favorite part but it's finally happening.

Finishing is not my favorite part but it's finally happening.

I forgot one!!!! Can you spot it!

I forgot one!!!! Can you spot it!



Party last night. Delivery today plus talk with client. I know what she wants.... I really need the next few days off. But for now, finish the task(s) at hand.

  1. email Jeremiah
  2. read Sarah's email
  3. sand all, seal 2 more times
  4. Questions: Sliders.. fit, handle? How will racks attach to benches? How will cubbies attach to benches?
  5. Things to get: metal feet for benches, wax for sliders, stain pen for front desk, small can to transport sealer, stain, brass screws...

Possible answers to my questions: Don't bring the racks. Forget about the racks. They are out of the picture. Focus on cubbies and benches and sliders! Don't have enough brass to cover all four fronts....Hmmmm. But attaching some ash on the front to flatten maybe in order...Let's see what I have....Maybe the handle can be in the middle?

I don't like the racks. Now thinking of some screens. A lot more work but I just don't think the racks will work. Try to make a quick sketch. Can reuse some of the material. I just feel like the design is not optimal. And subject to too much stress. The screens would not have that problem as they'd be open in front completely. Look at the screens in the window. Try to reuse as much as possible. Last night I was a nihilist for Halloween. Made me realize I really do care a lot about people, places, things. What is it about the last few weeks. Feel pretty stretched thin. I bet I just need a few days of rest... soon. Now back to work.


2 weeks


Sleep when I'm....