Lost in Prague (after finding friends in Berlin)
Almost 10 days has passed since my last post and 2 weeks since my last real post. I've been in Europe, part pleasure, part research, part art business trip. I have loads of photos and experiences to share. I'm realizing too that well known phrase 'where ever I am, I am me...' and I like it. Lately I've been thinking about about life, how things turn and suddenly your on a new and unexpected path and how these new life ways might not meet previous expectations. It takes a while to accept it's not like you think it would be and sometimes this blinds you from new opportunities nested in this alternative present.
Berlin was wonderful although brief but I was eager to get to Prague. But my time there was rich and lovely. Spending time with my new friends, debating art, eating Turkish food and learning to navigate the metro was a great way to acclimate further to the European continent. The flat I stayed in was so cool, a combination of run down ikea antique. Big windows, art everywhere, moments of spot on design and architectural decline. Everyone was so welcoming. I hope to have good reason to return! Maybe a show in Christoph's gallery? Will put that idea in my back pocket. Spending time with them started to warm up my cold art muscles and I found myself starting to think again about making non-utilitarian studio work.
...and then I saw this! More on this to come. Time to get my running shoes on and clear my head running through the urban parks in Praha. 2 days left till I head to Schwandorf... much to do, mainly prep some video for the screening and master 'US', play around with AfterEffects and visit Kavarna Novy Svet to enjoy some more coffee and pastries and take pictures. My dear friends with whom I've been staying opened the cafe a few years ago and it's making quite a name for itself. The coffee is superior, the baked goods are delicious and made with love and the atmosphere keeps you coming back. yesterday they were a little short staffed and I put on an apron and worked back and front of house for 9 hours. It was super fun and I felt happy to have a chance to help those who have helped me feel so welcome here in Prague.