Freaking the Flow Out!

The opening reception was fun and well attended. We sat for an interview with a photographer/philosopher from Regensburg then went to lunch at the new cafe next door to the residency. I really enjoyed chatting with everyone. I've been feeling isolated, in my non-german speaker world... but I learned to say Ich sprechen kein deutch and people really opened up and started speaking to me! Plus some people lamented that they did not know more czech. The borders were closed for so long... they would say. And so the day went well but after everyone departed I felt restless so I worked on Lichen some more and got it further along. Still I have no footage and:

  1. I like the moments when the english and czech meet or stagger but sometimes it's too jumbled. I will have to devise a sort of weaving pattern. Jumbled moments can happen but seldom and for a reason.
  2. Now that it's taken me 2 days to pronounce the czech (I could redo it all now as well, faster, and may have too) I can only imagine the German will take at least twice as long! And I still need the translation from the interns. Nudge that along today. (email is okay)
  3. Pick up stuff to return to
  4. Video for Lichen????? None taken yet. Hoping to go out later today as in 20 minutes! Though it may rain.
  5. Some video taken last night for US. I hope I am not getting ahead of myself. Excited at the moment. But I know sometimes the first sort of revelation is not the final... but sometimes it is....
Incomplete Arrival, 2017

Incomplete Arrival, 2017

Really odd stuff. But something. Maybe a little heavy handed right now. Plan to soften it and overlay, much softer. This is the raw material.

Incomplete Arrival, 2017

Incomplete Arrival, 2017

Incomplete arrival, 2017

Incomplete arrival, 2017

Incomplete Arrival, 2017

Incomplete Arrival, 2017

I also filmed the boombox... that was what started it all. I thought I'd turned it off but it was blinking at me from across the room. It's some sweet and simple footage. Not sure if it's the one but it might squeak into the mix. 

Afterwards I made the mistake of going online and was ambushed by domestic concerns. It sent me into a spiral of anxiety. I began to visualize a abandoned treadmill, running, humming, with a repetitive thrumming where the belt track seam hit the driving pulley, and strewn about the machine were books and boxes and clothes and unfinished furniture parts. Oh my lordy lord goddess help me take another deep breath! Later on my sleep was disrupted by a severe leg cramp. I can still feel it in my upper calf. But by the time I woke up a voice inside was saying, "WTF. Don't be a victim here. Take all the time it needs. But get to work and work smart....," 

Then I read some of David Sedaris's Diaries and I feel considerably better (looking for a few comedic essays for my Professional Practice class because future artists must at least have a well developed sense of humor, or at least know where to find some comic relief!). Heck, if it's all gone to heck in a hand basket at home, there's as I've realized, the rest of the world.

Gotta get serious. Where's my toothbrush. I'm ready.


Yea, it's my birthday


Studio Daze