Studio day green screen bonanza
I've been losing sleep, as I do, when a gopher family is moving in behind my cabin, new school and classes ahead and a video project coming to a close. Yesterday something got to me. I almost had a panic attack in the middle of Yoga. I know sort of an oxymoron but there I was, heart racing, body tingling, until finally I had to leave the room. And when I did, a few more yogis followed. I was not alone. We smiled at one another through our mutual yoga haze, sat next to each other until we could hold a conversation and stand long enough to shower. It was tough. But we got through it together. Maybe it was the weather or some holiday flashback but today I and those around me... I think we felt stronger. After class I finally went and bought that $30 dollar dress I'd been stalking for 2 months and used it in part of the video I'm working on. Finally got the green screen thing going. It's pretty fun!
Green screen is all about lighting. I got a decent, horrible, but decent set up and am just lucky to have a good camera and computer. It's still tricky but I kind like some of the sparkle and noise. Might work for some bits. It's also nice just in black.....
Tomorrow I have to make sense of all of this new footage! It's good to have some new clips to play with. Next up, how to visualize photosynthesis without putting people to sleep....!