Learning growing

just sampling of object that have been keeping my hands busy….

just sampling of object that have been keeping my hands busy….

It’s thrilling to be a beginner again! Lost wax casting, piezo mics, 3D printing and lasers. Something is cooking and it smells good.

Last week I played open mic here at a pub in my neighborhood. It was a release to sing outside again. My hands felt good and my voice felt smooth and strong. But it was a close one, as usual. The night before while I practiced ‘this love is over’ by Ray LaMontagne my bass Butter suddenly stopped playing. I wiggled the input and that was it. I grabbed a screwdriver, removed the plate and housing and saw the white wire was disconnected from the jack! Great. So the next morning on my way to school in the rainy morning I rode clear across town to the hardware store to pickup a soldering iron (another tool I left behind in my past life) and some electrical solder. That evening after classes and before the show I soldered for the first time in years! I had to make a pretty sizable solder bridge to connect the too short wire. Will need to get back in there soon to replace the wire. But I did it. And I enjoyed it. Which got me thinking about doing some more soldering, wiring, music oriented making….

And it’s not just for me. My students and I are starting a new project soon, making sound sculptures out of an old donated pipe organ. Love it when teaching and art and life meld into one. Then I saw this and I want one but not available in the states currently so I thought heck I will make one myself… or something like. How hard can it be?

Leaf Audio Michrophonic Soundbox dreamy.

Leaf Audio Michrophonic Soundbox dreamy.




{zombie love}