Sage Hen Part 2
I’ve been here, this time for 6 nights and 7 days. I wrote my new eco-feminist rock opera on day 2. Recorded on day 3. Listened and edited and day 4. Decided the recording quality is garbage so sulked most of the day 5. Day 6 attempted to cast a tree, failed. Went for a late afternoon ski and shot my tetra-she-dron in the forest. Later went to Truckee to get supplies to try again. Today is day 7. Hope to rerecord, recast. This place is magic to me. Weaves together so many aspects of my work, my life. Thank you!
gathering branches from the understory for tetra-she-dron
I should mention I’ve been seeing a coyote, frequently and up close. They do not notice me at first or at all. But I see them. The Trickster. Coyote reminds me to not be afraid of change. To be willing to destroy to create. And not to take myself too seriously.
Tetra-She_dron in the forest. It’s really just a test shot. See what it could be. Wish I had more time here. Next time.