Models taking shape!

Little model and 1/2 scale model of the under-structure of new basket costume project. Inspired by the Fibonacci Sequence of a Pine Cone. Visitors will be able to climb inside! Final size will be 7 feet high by 26 feet wide. Still to come, the scales which will partially obscure the under-structure until one climbs inside. Handles inside will allow a performer to maneuver the costume. The plywood form is there temporarily. Two rings will hold the rib/weavers in place. Once the rings are set I'll secure some weavers and cut a few making an opening visitors and performers can use to enter. 

At one point I had a crazy idea of adding sound/speakers to the piece. I think it will make it's own sound once the scales are strung around the form. Plan to assemble the full scale version on December 13th in the Headlands Gym. Need to purchase 10 planks oak flooring, 2" x 18'! I'll be steaming the mid section of the planks to soften them. They will cool fairly quickly but I will keep the pieces moist, massaging them into place. It will likely take a day to assemble. 

I'm also working on a new project, tangentially related to my dance play. It's about about water in a way but mostly about contentious coastlines. 

"1. VIDEO: I would like to show a dance for video I am developing. It will consist of 3 large scale basket props, 3 dancers dressed in blue unitards, a carpet dolly so we might glide across a reflective mylar floor that will rise and fall and ripple in a breeze created by fans hidden off-screen. I am imagining arial shots will work well with this piece, but lateral shots too. 

The choreography of the performance will be based on the shape of controversial shorelines, such as (but not yet determined) Martin's Beach (which was recently reopened to the public), the shores of Lake Tahoe (which is substantially privatized), and the coastline containing the location of the Fukashima Daiichi Power Plant (my uncle is a nuclear engineer and has some pretty interesting data on the subject).

2. SCULPTURE: The shapes of the coastline would be further translated into tactile maps. Inspired by the Inuit tradition of carving pocket size representations of a coastline to understand and communicate place, space and location through touch, my maps will be larger in scale, 3 - 5 feet tall each, carved from salvaged, found or drift wood. People will be invited to touch the pieces to understand the shape, space and location through the senses."

Yesterday, I started seeing the sculptures. I believe the first one I will make (a model of) will be Tahoe since I have a very personal connection there. Coastline with no public access will be blocked out or void of any information... perhaps. Need to borrow a kayak!


Revisiting (RE)TIME, Djerassi Variation


weaving forms