weaving forms

1 and 1 quarter inch white oak, one eighth inch thickness, sanded smooth, wetted. And I started. At least I am managing to develop a technique. It's not as easy as I had expected. Never is. But once it's laid out and suspended (forgot to take pictures of that step) it's all about massaging the material into shape. Now if I knew what shape I wanted.... but I'm practicing. The form will come. Just a few pictures of my practice pieces today. The larger one is about 3 feet tall, 18 inches wide at the base. It's meant to be a half size model. Hmmmmm. The form is not there yet. 

And I've not yet begun experimenting with the "scales." The idea is that the interior structure, the "hidden geometry" if you like, will be as seen above, yet the scales, which will be fury and many, will be more "wild" and "hairy." All that being written, the form is still manifesting. But the technique is coming along. Can't wait to go big. It happens rather quickly once the materials are prepared. 




Models taking shape!

