Humbled again...

After a joyful day spent routering I discovered Saturday that I'd routered an extra rounded corner into my design! How did I do that with the model just by my side? Can't I stop to think? Can't I do anything right? DEEEEE-pressing... but it is what it is as a lady at Trader Joes tells me as I relay my story to her trying to find some sympathy against the self-bashing going on in my brain. 

Cutting the major-minor mistake off the table top.

Cutting the major-minor mistake off the table top.

Initially I thought I'd have to remake the whole piece but now I only need 8 more board feet of 8/4 ash... and of course there is a shortage, why wouldn't there be! Ahhh. A yard in SF is getting a shipment tomorrow or Wednesday so I'll pick some up on the way back from a few days in the cabin. As I said to the men in the yard as I walked out empty handed, "the saga continues." 

"It never ends," they replied. I say. But now that I look at this I see something interesting, something I might be able to apply to my sculptural practice... when I have the space and time.

My studio is chock full of things, growing.

My studio is chock full of things, growing.

I did manage to get some work done yesterday despite my blue mood. I am still a little behind. But I'm glad to be working, creating and learning. Next challenge, bending the 2" wide by 1/8" thick brass flat bar that will form the edge of the table top. That'll be a trick. Getting conflicting advice as usual so I'll need to discover for myself. Saga continues indeed.

That pesky cabinet that I made twice. Two times as nice!?

That pesky cabinet that I made twice. Two times as nice!?

What I learned: when you get to congratulating yourself before the job is done, check yourself and your plans thoroughly.


Bending, starting to finish, the countdown!


Router day!