Bending, starting to finish, the countdown!

 It took more than a few days to recover mentally and technically from that last major minor set back. Spent a few days at the cabin, baked some damn good Norwegian FILMJÖLKSLIMPA bread. So, so good. Froze half for later. Yum! Buttermilk, rye, molasses and loads of seeds and things.

Maria's garden beginning to explode back home in Watsonville

Maria's garden beginning to explode back home in Watsonville

One of my favorite, okay my favorite trail running place, Nisene Marks in Aptos.

One of my favorite, okay my favorite trail running place, Nisene Marks in Aptos.

Current favorite running place, Blithedale Ridge!

Current favorite running place, Blithedale Ridge!

Back to the office. Bending and routering done now I'm on to trim, shelves, drawers and base frame. At this point, it's time to make a punch list/calendar. Everyday is crucial. I can't believe I'm leaving for Berlin in 2 weeks. Can't even think about it.

  1. Run
  2. Macbeaths - for plywood and more ash
  3. OSH - packing tape, sanding disks
  4. Art store - Kraft paper
  5. Laminate (again, last time, seriously)
  6. Shelves!
  7. Order brass
  8. Base frame (figure out curve later)
  9. Dry fit!
  10. Yoga (if possible, for measurements, can do Tuesday as well)
Bending ply! Used screws to clamp which will make more finishing but worked!

Bending ply! Used screws to clamp which will make more finishing but worked!

Just a few pics to show I've actually been working.

DIY clamp extensions. Haven't had a chance to use them yet. Hopefully today!

DIY clamp extensions. Haven't had a chance to use them yet. Hopefully today!


Starting to Finish...!


Humbled again...